Working From Home Guidance
To further enhance our remote learning package for students during periods of Covid-related isolation, we have created Trinity TV where all lessons can be found ‘On Demand’.
This online platform, accessible via SharePoint, contains pre-recorded materials made by subject teachers to ensure that home learning is as engaging, purposeful and accessible as possible. Students will follow their timetable as normal and select the lessons relevant to their academy day. The video format will enable students to watch the lesson content at their own pace with the benefit of clear verbal instructions from teachers.
Having followed each sequence of lessons, it is an expectation that students submit a weekly activity for each of their written subject areas. This includes: English, Maths, History, Geography, MFL, RS and Science. Each final activity will be completed on Microsoft Forms and automatically submitted to subject teachers directly for feedback. These online forms are saved in each subject area’s folder on the Trinity TV section of SharePoint. Please see the instructions below regarding how all resources are accessed, which students are familiar with. All teachers remain contactable through their school email address, if a student requires any additional help.
Resources for accessing students’ Science work are available by logging into their student Educake account: . In addition, all Maths work is available on their student Hegarty Maths accounts: .
Practical subject areas will continue to provide weekly challenges if students wish to join in, and our Hospitality and Catering team have created some simple recipes for students to try if they would like to get involved, all of which can be found under their subject tabs on SharePoint.
If your child requires a laptop at home in order to complete their home-learning, please speak directly to their College Manager and we will try our best to accommodate this.
If you have any queries, please contact the academy by the usual means.
Trinity TV Guidance
This guide explains how to use Trinity TV to access home learning resources.
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